Source code for network_pipeline.handle_packets

from network_pipeline.consts import SOURCE
from network_pipeline.consts import FORWARD_EXCHANGE
from network_pipeline.consts import FORWARD_ROUTING_KEY
from network_pipeline.consts import FORWARD_QUEUE
from spylunking.log.setup_logging import console_logger
from network_pipeline.utils import rnow
from network_pipeline.convert_pkt_to_json import convert_pkt_to_json
from network_pipeline.publisher import pub
import kamene.all as kamene

log = console_logger(

[docs]def handle_packets(pk): """handle_packets :param pk: data packet that kamene sends in """"processing with pub={}") .format(pub)) # get the lowest layer eth = pk.getlayer(kamene.Ether) should_forward = False send_msg = {"data": {}, "created": rnow(), "source": SOURCE} if eth: # parse all layer frames under ethernet send_msg["data"] = convert_pkt_to_json(eth) should_forward = True else: log.error(("unsupported pk={}") .format(pk)) # end of if supported if should_forward:"forwarding") # Publish the message: msg_sent = pub.publish(body=send_msg, exchange=FORWARD_EXCHANGE, routing_key=FORWARD_ROUTING_KEY, queue=FORWARD_QUEUE, serializer="json", retry=True)"done forwarding={}".format(msg_sent))
# end of should_forward # end of handle_packets