Source code for network_pipeline.convert_pkt_to_json

import json
from collections import defaultdict
from spylunking.log.setup_logging import console_logger
from network_pipeline.utils import ppj
from network_pipeline.consts import DEBUG_PACKETS

log = console_logger(

[docs]def convert_pkt_to_json(pkg): """ convert_pkt_to_json Inspired by: This function convert a Scapy packet to JSON :param pkg: A kamene package :type pkg: objects :return: A JSON data :rtype: dict() """ results = defaultdict(dict) try: for index in range(0, len(pkg)): layer = pkg[index] # Get layer name layer_tmp_name = str(layer.__dict__["aliastypes"][0]) layer_start_pos = layer_tmp_name.rfind(".") + 1 layer_name = layer_tmp_name[layer_start_pos:-2].lower() # Get the layer info tmp_t = {} for default_x, y in list(layer.__dict__["default_fields"].items()): x = "default_{}".format(default_x) if DEBUG_PACKETS:"default: key={} val={}".format(x, y)) try: tmp_t["hex_default_{}".format(default_x)] = y.hex() except Exception: # if y and not isinstance(y, (str, int, float, list, dict)): if x in tmp_t: tmp_t[x].update(convert_pkt_to_json(y)) else: tmp_t[x] = y else: tmp_t[x] = y # end of fields results[layer_name] = tmp_t try: tmp_t = {} for fields_x, y in list(layer.__dict__["fields"].items()): if DEBUG_PACKETS:"fields: key={} val={}".format(x, y)) if fields_x == "qd": if y: tmp_t["fields_qd"] = json.loads( convert_pkt_to_json(y)) elif fields_x == "ar": if y: tmp_t["fields_ar"] = json.loads( convert_pkt_to_json(y)) elif fields_x == "an": if y: tmp_t["fields_an"] = json.loads( convert_pkt_to_json(y)) elif fields_x == "arcount": if y: tmp_t["fields_arcount"] = json.loads( convert_pkt_to_json(y)) elif fields_x == "ns": if y: """ 'ns': <DNSRR rrname='' type=SOA rclass=IN ttl=1345 rdata=b'\x03ns1\tcanonical \xc0\x19\nhostmaster\xc02xHl\x8e \x00\x00*0\x00\x00\x0e\x10\x00 \t:\x80\x00\x00\x0e\x10' |>, """ tmp_t["fields_ns"] = str(y) elif fields_x == "proto": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "flags": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "ack": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "id": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "window": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "dataofs": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "frag": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "reserved": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "ttl": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "chksum": if y: tmp_t[x] = y elif fields_x == "options": if y: cur_d = {} try: test = dict(y) if "EOL" in test: cur_d["EOL"] = test["EOL"] if "NOP" in test: cur_d["NOP"] = test["NOP"] if "MSS" in test: cur_d["MSS"] = test["MSS"] if "WScale" in test: cur_d["WScale"] = test["WScale"] if "SAckOK" in test: cur_d["SAckOK"] = \ test["SAckOK"].decode("utf-8") if "SAck" in test: cur_d["SAck"] = test["SAck"] if "Timestamp" in test: if test["Timestamp"]: cur_d["Timestamp"] = \ test["Timestamp"][0] if "AltChkSum" in test: cur_d["AltChkSum"] = test["AltChkSum"] if "AltChkSumOpt" in test: cur_d["AltChkSumOpt"] = \ test["AltChkSumOpt"] if "Mood" in test: cur_d["Mood"] = test["Mood"] if "Experiment" in test: cur_d["Experiment"] = test["Experiment"] except Exception as exct: log.error(("1 Failed parsing " "{}={} ex={}") .format(x, y, exct)) cur_d = str(y) # end of parsing cur_d tmp_t["fields_{}".format(fields_x)] = cur_d elif fields_x == "urgptr": if y: cur_d = {} try: for f in y: cur_f = "{}_{}".format(fields_x, f) try: cur_d[cur_f] = y.decode("utf-8") except Exception: cur_d["hex_" + cur_f] = y[f].hex() except Exception as exct: log.error(("2 Failed parsing " "{}={} ex={}") .format(x, y, exct)) cur_d = y # end of parsing cur_d tmp_t["fields_{}".format(fields_x)] = cur_d else: x = "{}".format(fields_x) try: hex_key = "hex_field_{}".format(fields_x) if fields_x == "load": try: tmp_t["load"] = y.decode("utf-8") except Exception: tmp_t[hex_key] = y.hex() else: tmp_t[hex_key] = y.hex() except Exception: # if y and not isinstance(y, (str, int, float, list, dict)): if x in tmp_t: tmp_t[x].update(convert_pkt_to_json(y)) else: tmp_t[x] = y else: tmp_t[x] = y # end of special handling: # qd results[layer_name] = tmp_t except KeyError: # No custom fields pass except Exception: # Package finish -> do nothing pass if "padding" in results: try: if "load" in results["padding"]: results["padding"]["load"] = \ results["padding"]["load"].encode("utf-8").hex() except Exception: log.error(("failed parsing padding={}") .format(results["padding"])) # end of fixing padding if "raw" in results: try: if "load" in results["raw"]: results["raw"]["load"] = \ results["raw"]["load"].encode("utf-8").hex() except Exception: log.error(("failed parsing raw={}") .format(results["raw"])) # end of fixing raw if DEBUG_PACKETS: log.debug("") log.debug("pre json serialization:") log.debug(results) log.debug("post json.dumps:") log.debug(ppj(results)) log.debug("") else: return results
# end of